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Baxter had his nullification surgery first so by the time we picked them up, he was pretty much cleared of his pain meds. Bella, on the other hand, was still quite stoned, poor thing. With being a little glassy-eyed and wobbly, the cone was no fun.
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At one point, Bella had a fly buzzing her cone which was quite fun for us to watch, but probably miserable for her. Then I started snapping pictures with the flash (hey, it had to be done! This is history folks!). I don't think she liked that very much because she got particularly snarly afterward.
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By the end of the evening, Baxter was getting the hang of cone manipulation, even making it up the deck steps with no problem. Bella was still pretty tired so we put them to bed...back end first.
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poor little ones! its funny, we had a corgi before Koda and he didn't mess with his sutures after he was neutered; but Koda did so he got the "cone". It was miserable time for him but a necessary time
hope they make a quick recovery
When Elspie had her op, I grieved because I definitely was not going to to be a grandma. So sad. B & B will be up to full speed very soon.
Awwww...poor Baxter and Bella, they look so miserable :( Tell them not to worry though, they'll be cone-free soon!
Wow, already!? How time flies!! Gibson never wore a cone, it looks like he lucked out! :) I hope they rest up and feel like themselves soon!
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